Yoga and Meditation
Yoga and Meditation surrounded by Nature

Calm your mind and find yourself
Yoga is a millenary spiritual discipline born in India aimed at all people who want to improve their lifestyle, through the conscious management of well-being between body and mind, with harmony, health and love.
Yoga (from the Sanskrit term yuj, which means “unite”, “union”) aims at the self-realization of the human being.
Using a series of harmonizing techniques and exercises, Yoga makes it possible to purify the body-mind system and promotes the integration of the various planes of human existence.
Yoga is a path that helps us to transcend duality, it is the bond that balances opposites leading to a state of inner union with the Whole.
With regular and constant practice, we feel well-being, calm and mental clarity emerge within us.
An attitude of greater responsibility and focus develops, to better face the trials and challenges of daily life.

Yoga is an experience-based method that helps turning on our inner light.
All yogic techniques aim at the mind to heal and enlighten it, as anything that comes from a clouded mind leads to separation and suffering.
breathing techniques
yoga poses

practical exercises and effective techniques
state of profound calm and peace

The practice offers techniques such as asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mudra and bandha (techniques to concentrate energy) and relaxation, which purify our body, restoring balance and well-being on a physical and mental level.
The sense of peace and well-being that is felt thanks to the practice reveals the nature of this discipline: a path of personal evolution that leads to the awakening of consciousness, to harmony with ourselves and with what surrounds us.